Thursday, 27 June 2013

Get Better California DUI Law and Legal Information From Justin Lo

DUI Penalties or DUI License Suspension ?  For DUI Defense hire DUI Lawyer Justin Lo. Contact j Lo’s DUI Attorney Los Angeles no charge consultation to see if this is the right attorney for you.

Call Torrance DUI Lawyer Justin Lo for affordable and high quality defense against DUI Torrance and across CA. DUI defense attorney, Justin Lo practices DUI, drunk driving and DMV defense exclusively.

To get an idea on what you will likely be charged with, you should look on the citation you received from the police officer.  The prosecutor, not the police officer decides what charges to file.  The prosecutor may file additional charges.  The citation looks like this:

DUI Criminal Citation

The most commonly charged DUI section in Los Angeles is Vehicle Code (“VC”) 23152.

VC23152(a) makes it illegal to drive a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol OR drugs

VC 23152(a) based upon drugs can include both illegal drugs and also prescription drugs.  The influence of the drug or combination of drugs that can impair driving to an appreciable degree. Unfortunately, drunk driving is incorrect term that has been used for the last 30 years.  You do not need to be drunk, only impaired by the influence of alcohol.

VC23152(b) makes it illegal to drive a vehicle with a breath or blood alcohol concentrate (“BAC”) of 0.08% or more.

To be guilty of VC23152(b), all that needs to be shown is that a driver’s breath or blood alcohol concentration is above 0.08%.  A person charged with VC23152(b) can be convicted even if they are driving perfectly safely if their BAC is above 0.08%

Other commonly charged crimes involving DUI arrests and investigations

HS 11350- Possession of a Controlled Substance (cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, ecstasy and some prescription drugs)
HS 11357- Possession of Marijuana
HS 11360- Possession of Marijuana for sale or transportation
HS 11377- Possession of Methamphetamine
HS 11378- Possession of Methamphetamine for sale
HS 11379- Possession of Methamphetamine for sale or transportation
VC 2800.1(a) Evading a pursuing police officer
VC 23577- Chemical testing refusal or failure to complete
VC 12500- Driving without being licensed
VC 14601- Driving with a suspended or revoked license
VC 23104- Reckless Driving with Injury
VC 16025- Hit and Run (failure to exchange information)
VC 23320- Open Container in vehicle
PC 148- Resisting, delaying or obstructing a police officer
PC 4573- Bringing drugs into jail
PC 245(a)(1)- Assault with Deadly Weapon- Automobile

In many drug cases, drug diversion (PC1000) and Prop. 36 (PC1210) is available for individuals charged with drug crimes.  Schedule a consultation to determine if you are eligible for diversion and treatment programs.

Call me at 310-999-9964 or Email Me to discuss your drunk driving charge or any additional charges that you have.